Catalogo di Acronis Backup&Recovery di dimensioni eccessive

Managed Machine Service Catalog (Acronis Agent) - caches catalog from personal vaults on network shares and from locally attached tapes.

Default path:

  • Windows XP/2003: Documents And Settings\All Users\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\MMS\Catalog
  • Windows Vista/7/2008/2008 R2: ProgramData\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\MMS\Catalog

To change this, do the following:

Windows OS:

  1. Invoke Windows Registry (Start-Run -> regedit);
  2. Browse to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Acronis\MMS\Configuration\Catalog (create Catalog key if it does not exist)
  3. Create a string value CatalogDir and set it to the necessary path.

    (!) The path must end with a backslash.

  4. Restart Acronis Managed Machine Service (Start-Run -> services.msc).